Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jonathan's Week in Melbourne

Boy, this past week flew by fast!  It seemed like Jonathan just arrived and then it was already time for him to leave.

I met him at the Melbourne airport around 4:30pm last Sunday.  I think it took him about 30 hours to get here and he was stuck in Coach for the whole flight!

Most places close early on Sundays so that night we just walked through the South Wharf precinct and the Southbank along the Yarra River.  This is a beautiful part of the city.  There are many restaurants that overlook the river, some high-end shopping and a casino.  There are also lots of picnic areas along the riverbank and this is a nice place for running and cycling.  There are several bridges that cross the river too.  Each bridge has a different look but they all offer a gorgeous view of the city and the riverfront.  We continued walking through downtown Melbourne and made our way to an old English-style pub where Jonathan had some fish and chips.  It was here we learned that you don’t ask for a refill on your soda in Australia because you’ll probably get laughed at.  Instead, you just buy another.  I guess Americans are the only ones who offer free refills. 

The work week was routine.  I would get up and go to work every day while Jonathan slept the morning away.  I was pretty jealous of him but happy for him at the same time.  He met me at work every day for lunch and then he would spend the afternoon going to the zoo, the aquarium, or one of the many malls in the city. 

Monday night and Thursday night were two of the most exciting nights of the whole trip.  Jonathan and I got to play tennis at Melbourne Park!  In case you don’t know, that’s where the Australian Open is held every January.  On Monday we played on an indoor practice court at Rod Laver Arena and on Thursday we played on one of the Show Courts.  It was amazing!  We felt like real tennis pros…up until the point when Jonathan’s kneecap slipped out of place and then back in.  That kind of put a damper on the evening.  But he went to the doctor’s office on Friday and got checked out and thankfully, there wasn’t any major damage to his knee. 

The weekend was jam-packed!  We rented a car Saturday morning and headed towards The Great Ocean Road.  Driving the car was an adventure itself considering the driver sat on the right side of the car and we drove on the left side of the road.  I can’t count the number of times we turned the windshield wipers on instead of the turn signal!  J  We also had a hard time keeping the car between the lines; we kept drifting towards the left shoulder.  The Great Ocean Road is about 150-mile stretch of road along the southeastern coast of Australia and I have to admit that it’s the most beautiful coastline I believe I’ve ever seen, even more beautiful than Hawaii.  And if you’re reading this, Jonathan, there is a Great Ocean Road Marathon.  :)  There are so many cliffs and rock formations, and the beaches are so wide they seem never-ending!  Most of the beaches were deserted too, maybe because it’s still pretty cool here.  Both Saturday and Sunday the high temperature was only around 60 degrees.  It took about 11 hours to make it to Port Campbell which is about 140 miles west of Melbourne.  We stopped at several beaches, scenic points, and towns along the way and made a short hike to view Erskine Falls.  We stayed at a “luxury” hotel in Port Campbell Saturday night.  (Luxury is how the owners describe the hotel.  I would call it economy at best.)  The first stop Sunday morning was the Twelve Apostles which are huge rock stacks that stand just off the shore.  It was cold, windy and drizzling Sunday morning at the Twelve Apostles but I think that only accentuated their beauty.  And again, we had the beach practically to ourselves.  Next we drove 4 hours east to Healesville Sanctuary located in the Yarra Valley.  Here we got to hand feed and pet several kangaroos.  We also got up close with a Koala.  Apparently, the laws here in the state of Victoria don’t allow for touching or petting of Koalas but we were able to get pretty close and it was awesome!  His name was Dindi and he was wide awake and eating and he was just too cute! 

Monday morning came all too quickly and I had to go back to work and Jonathan had to catch a plane back to Atlanta.  We haven’t checked Australia off our bucket list yet.  There is still much to see and do and we will definitely be back some day.  

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